London 2012 Tickets

If you're asking me, which you are because you're reading this, the way the London 2012 Olympic tickets are being sold is comparable to blind dating or dating in the dark. Not only can you not chose exactly what you're buying a ticket for, once you've applied you're not even certain you're going to leave with the girl...ticket you want.
The chances of getting your hands on a pair of tickets for the Olympics are pretty high. You have a 6 week window during which you can apply for 20 different sessions (different for every sport) each of which vary in price. However, the chance of getting the tickets you want is a lot slimmer.
Fair enough, if all you apply for is the weightlifting and the synchronised swimming I think you can be fairly confident. If on the other hand you are hoping to see the US basketball stars in any one of their games in the run up to their inevitable gold medal things get a lot trickier. First of all you do not know when they will be playing in any of the preliminary rounds because the game schedule is not yet finalised. Secondly, if you are Nostradamus and somehow know they will be playing in the evening session on Sunday the 29th of July, what price bracket are you going to go for when applying for the ticket? Certain events will be very popular and thus you need to be lucky to get a ticket for those sessions. How much will your chances increase if you apply for a higher price bracket?
These are all variables you can't really predict but nevertheless need to be factored in when applying for tickets. I'm finding it tough to decide which sessions to pick and at what price but I'm sure I'll figure something out. I can always wait for the Brazilian women's beach volleyball team to leave the stadium...