Hello Fresh - Hello Feel Good!

On a cold winter evening I invited into my home a complete stranger who would broaden my culinary horizons. This odd chap was trying to tell me that there exists a food service (with its origins in Germany) that can provide you with all the ingredients to a number of meals for 2 or 4 people. Including the cooking instructions and it would not only make you eat more healthily, teach you how to cook and stop you from ordering take-away every night but it would also save you a heap load of money on every day groceries.
This sounded like poppycock to me but I thought what the hell, you're a stranger, I'm hungry, let's do it!

Well, I am happy to say it has all been worth it and we are still enjoying this wonderful service. It looks like the company is going from strength to strength with new (social and logistical) features being added on a monthly basis. The latest App update for example, providing step-by-step cooking instructions on your phone, including a clever timer option is a fantastic improvement. The investors keep pouring in, seeing a cash cow for what it is.

They even offered an Easter Box which contained a 3 course meal for 4-6 people, with all the extra trimmings. There were chocolate bunnies from Lindt and drinks included. I had my brother and the family over from the Netherlands and we enjoyed a feast for £70! Eggcellent value.

Some of the weekly meals are really very tasty. Some of my favourites are Beef Ragu Rigatoni, Sicilian Caponato with herbed pork and garlicky Ciabatta and the Lamb stuffed aubergine with minted courgette salad. I can highy recommend Hello Fresh to anybody who enjoys cooking healthy and yummy meals.


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